Splitting a matrix based on certain values in the rows

5 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix A like this:
A = [911 911;
0 2;
8 5;
7 3;
911 911;
5 3;
1 6;
6 7;
911 911;
3 5;
8 4];
I want to split the matrix A into three matrices (A1,A2,A3) based on the row values 911 like this:
A1 = [0 2; 8 5; 7 3];
A2 = [5 3; 1 6; 6 7];
A3 = [3 5; 8 4];
I need to do this thing inside a for loop which will give the spitted matrix one after another.
Mr. 206
Mr. 206 on 19 Feb 2019
This is just a dummy. It can be A, B,C or any other name.
Jan on 19 Feb 2019
@Atta: A,B,C, ... suffers from exactly the same problems as A1, A2, A3, ... With using a cell array and and index, the code is fast and flexibel. You can e.g. simply run it for 12'781'986 rows without getting mad while typing the code with manually hidden names of variables.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 19 Feb 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 19 Feb 2019
No loop required:
>> idx = cumsum(all(A==911,2));
>> row = 1:numel(idx);
>> fun = @(r){A(r(2:end),:)};
>> C = accumarray(idx,row(:),[],fun);
>> C{:}
ans =
0 2
8 5
7 3
ans =
5 3
1 6
6 7
ans =
3 5
8 4
Mr. 206
Mr. 206 on 20 Feb 2019
Edited: Mr. 206 on 20 Feb 2019
Thanks, I got it.
I just need another help, I have another 5 by 6 matrix (say D). I want to pad the matrices C{1}, C{2} and C{3} by some random number, so that the row numbers are equal.
For example, C{3} has 2 rows, so i need to put three e.g 911911 value at the bottom to make the row number equal to matrix D (5 by 6)
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 20 Feb 2019
% Pad each cell with rows of 911,
% so that it has the same number of rows as D
% using CELLFUN with an anonymous padding function using REPMAT
C2 = cellfun(@(m) [m ; repmat(911, size(D,1)-size(m,1),size(m,2))], C)

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More Answers (1)

Jan on 19 Feb 2019
Edited: Jan on 19 Feb 2019
A = [911 911;
0 2;
8 5;
7 3;
911 911;
5 3;
1 6;
6 7;
911 911;
3 5;
8 4];
index = [find(A(:, 1) == 911); size(A, 1) + 1];
n = numel(index) - 1;
Result = cell(1, n);
for k = 1:n
Result{k} = A(index(k):index(k+1)-1, :); % [EDITED]
Mr. 206
Mr. 206 on 19 Feb 2019
It's throwing an error, like "error: A(I,J): row index out of bounds; value 12 out of bound 11"
Jan on 19 Feb 2019
@Atta: Yes, I had a typo in my code. It is fixed now. Sometimes I expect the readers to fix bugs, when they are not too hard.
The result is a cell array and you access it as Result{1}. This is much smarter than hiding an index in the name of a variable.

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