reading a txt file with rows of different length
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I would like to read a text file as below and I need to extract data in 'points' row. I have tried many ways but it didnt work.I appreciate if someone can guide me to find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Answers (1)
Are Mjaavatten
on 22 Feb 2019
fid = fopen(filename);
lines = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n');
lines = lines{1};
% The points data are in line 3. Start after the left bracket:
points = sscanf(lines{4}(strfind(lines{4},'[')+1:end-1),'%f,');
widths = sscanf(lines{5}(strfind(lines{5},'[')+1:end-1),'%f,');
x = points(1:2:end);
y = points(2:2:end);
See Also
Find more on Text Files in Help Center and File Exchange
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