Calculate complexity of RGB image

2 views (last 30 days)
Orestis Stylianou
Orestis Stylianou on 5 Mar 2019
Hello people,
So I want an objective way to identify how complicated an image is according to it's color variation. I can't use entropy() because it's for grayscale image. Do you have any ideas on how to do that?
Rik on 5 Mar 2019
You could calculate the entropy for each color channel.
But what are you planning to do with your parameter value? That might make it easier to suggest a meaningful candidate.
Orestis Stylianou
Orestis Stylianou on 5 Mar 2019
I thought about calculating the entropy of each channel and then adding up the 3 values but after a bit of searching it looks like this would overestimate the calculation.
What I am planning to do: I am working on an experiemnt in which people have to identify some patterns in the projected images. I am searching for a way to objectively measure the difficulty of the image.

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