How to combine string and numbers before using xlswrite to export data into an Excel file?

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I have like to write the below information into one Excel spreadsheet:
Cruise # Longitude Latitude Year Month Day
SE_01 -126 35 2017 9 17
SE_01 -123 31 2017 9 18
SE_01 -121 27 2017 9 20
How do I form the matrix? For Column 1, if it is numerical, I would do: A*size(3,1); but how about strings? Once I get the string column for Column 1, how do I combine it with the other numerical matrix values?
Many thanks!

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 18 Mar 2019
cruise = {'SE_01', 'SE_01','SE_01'}' ;
Longitude = [-126 -123 -121]' ;
Latitude = [35 31 27]' ;
Year = [2017 2017 2017]' ;
Month = [9 9 9 ]';
Day = [17 18 20]' ;
thedates = datetime(Year,Month,Day) ;
T = table(cruise,thedates,Longitude,Latitude);

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