For Iterator Block Not present in Library , Any Idea ?

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There is For Iterator Subsystem block as per the given link
and There is a For Iterator block as per the below link present in the "Ports and Subsystems" Library block
I could find the For Iterator Subsystem block but not able to find the For iterator block in the "Ports and Subsystems" Library block
nor after a search in the complete Simulink Library , is the only place where "For iterator block" can be found is inside "For Iterator Subsystem"
or there is something wrong with the Matlab installation.
This is the screen shot of the blocks present in my installation of "Ports and Subsystems" Library block

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 22 Mar 2019
I looked and my library is the same as yours. The "For Iterator" block can't be used alone anyway so I don't think this is an issue.
ANKUR WADHWA on 22 Mar 2019
I completely agree with you Fangjun , yet my question is .. Is there a way to include the "For Iterator block" in any other subsystem apart from the "For Iterator Subsystem" (as its present inside it by default).
Further i didn't understand if there is no such block present in the Simulink library , why matlab provided wrong information about the block as mentioned in the link that i shared in the main post , they could have instead mentioned that this is not an independent block and comes by default as part of "For Iterator Subsystem".
ANKUR WADHWA on 22 Mar 2019
@Fangjun : If possible can you please look in this too.. Thanks in advance.

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