USing BVP solver to solve 2-D Laplace’s equation?

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I have confusion about how to use the bvp solver to solve the 2-D Laplace’s equation (∇2u=∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2=0) with in a boundary (rectangular). Could anyone help or provide any website that can help to impement it ?
Thank you in advance.

Answers (1)

David Wilson
David Wilson on 10 Apr 2019
If you mean bvp4c, then no it is not suitable since it solves boundary value ODEs in 1D, not PDEs in 2D. To solve Laplace's eqn in 2D, the easiest way is to use a finite difference grid. See for more details.
Willim on 10 Apr 2019
Thank you for you answer. I think there is some way. one way is to trun the PDE to ODEs then solve each one seprately. However, I would like to know if there is a way to do it either as 2-d or seprated ODEs
Torsten on 11 Apr 2019
Approximate the partial derivatives by difference quotients and solve the resulting system of linear equations in the node values using "backslash" or an iterative method:

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