Control System Toolbox (no access to tune PID)

1 view (last 30 days)
Pascal Enderli
Pascal Enderli on 17 Apr 2019
Commented: Raj on 24 Apr 2019
I have A control system toolbox licence from my company. According to this I wanted to tune a single pid controller I have added to a simulink model.
I tried a lot to achieve this:
1) in simulink: using the tuner in the PID Block settings (when double clicking the block). This is not available (missing control design toolbox)
2) open PidTuner app in Matlab: importing the plant seems impossible.
3) try to identify the plant from the simulink model first and import this identified plant to the PidTuner) (would need the system identification toolbox.)
I can not even linearize the simulink model to estimate the linear plant.
So my question is: How can I take advantage of the PidTuner in order to tune those PID parameters of my PID Controler?
As the PidTuner App is available from the control system toolbox, I heavily assume its not coupled to other licences as well.

Answers (1)

Raj on 19 Apr 2019
Since your controller model is in SIMULINK, you need "Simulink Control Design" toolbox in addition to "Control system" toolbox. See the accepted answer here.
Pascal Enderli
Pascal Enderli on 23 Apr 2019
ok, thanks a lot for the answer! so finally my assumption:
"I heavily assume its not coupled to other licences as well." was fundamentally wrong.

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