How to store value in simulink

289 views (last 30 days)
prasanjit dey
prasanjit dey on 23 Apr 2019
Commented: Gabriele Curcio on 6 May 2022
Hello everyone I am desgning a model in which I need to store a value . For example: there is 2 inputs to the subsystem, input a & b .If a &b both are true, I calculate some values,say, x1 and x2. Now, next time when either a or b is false, I want to use those previously calcutaed values (i.e. when a & b were true). So, is there any way to store x1 and x2 in Simulink to use it later? Thanks in adcance.
Aquatris on 23 Apr 2019
You can use a "transport delay" block to store the value for the next time step (transport delay to delay the signal 1 time step so that the next time step you will have access to the signal from current time step) . Do you need to store the values for more than 1 time step?
Gabriele Curcio
Gabriele Curcio on 6 May 2022
I have the same problem, but I need to store values for more than 1 time step. How it's possible to do it?
Thanks in advance

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Answers (1)

Ben Cunningham
Ben Cunningham on 23 Apr 2019
Edited: Ben Cunningham on 23 Apr 2019
There is a good blog entry covering this.
I'd recommend the 'Enabled Subsystem' approach (coincidently the author's favourite as well).
  1 Comment
Ben Cunningham
Ben Cunningham on 23 Apr 2019
Alternately if you have the DSP System Toolbox the Sample and Hold block would be a neater but comparable solution.

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