Trying to graph two ode45 functions on a single plot
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Hello I am working with this windkessel model with different parameters
%% Defining Physiological Parameters
% Defining parameters for 2 element model
R = 1.08; %systemic peripheral resistance (mmHg/cm^3/sec)
C = 1.1; %systemic arterial compliance in (cm^3/mmHg)
% Heart rate and cycle times
HR = 60; %beats per minute
Tc = 60/HR; %Length of one cardiac cycle (in seconds)
Ts = (2/5)*Tc; %Length of systole is 40% of the cardiac cycle
InCond = 80; %pressure during diastole (80mmHg)
Timespan=[0 Tc];
twoelemmodel = @(t,P) (1/C).*(QF(t,HR)-(P./R));
[t,P] = ode45(twoelemmodel,Timespan,InCond);
title('2 Element Windkessel Model (Physiological Parameters)');
xlabel('time (in seconds)');
ylabel('Pressure (in mmHg)');
%% %% Defining Theoretical Parameters
% Defining parameters for 2 element model
R = 1.3; %systemic peripheral resistance (mmHg/cm^3/sec)
C = 1.1; %systemic arterial compliance in (cm^3/mmHg)
% Heart rate and cycle times
HR = 120; %beats per minute
Tc = 60/HR; %Length of one cardiac cycle (in seconds)
Ts = (2/5)*Tc; %Length of systole is 40% of the cardiac cycle
InCond = 80; %pressure during diastole (80mmHg)
Timespan=[0 Tc];
twoelemmodel = @(t,P) (1/C).*(QF(t,HR)-(P./R));
[t,P] = ode45(twoelemmodel,Timespan,InCond);
title('2 Element Windkessel Model (Theoretical Parameters)');
xlabel('time (in seconds)');
ylabel('Pressure (in mmHg)');
Functions I am using:
% Functions
function Qout = QF(t,HR)
HR = 60;%Heart Rate in beats per minute
Tc = 60/HR; %Length of one cardiac cycle (in seconds)
Ts =(2/5)*Tc; %Length of systole is 40% of the cardiac cycle
if HR == 60
Qo = 260;
Qo = 520;
if t > Ts
Qo = 0;
Qout = Qo.*sin((2.*pi.*t/Tc));
function dqdt = dQf(t,HR)
Tc = 60/HR; %Length of one cardiac cycle (in seconds)
Ts = (2/5)*Tc; %Length of systole is 40% of the cardiac cycle
if HR == 60
Qo = 260;
Qo = 520;
if t > Ts
Qo = 0;
dqdt = (2.*pi/Tc).*Qo.*cos((2.*pi.*t)/Tc);
I can't seem to get the two grpahs to plot together.
Hold on functions seem to work, but the plots seem identical.
Any idea?
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 27 Apr 2019
For the first integration, save the outputs as:
[t{1},P{1}] = ode45(twoelemmodel,Timespan,InCond);
and the second as:
[t{2},P{2}] = ode45(twoelemmodel,Timespan,InCond);
and delete the existing plot calls, then plot the integration results as:
plot(t{1}, P{1})
hold on
plot(t{2}, P{2})
hold off
legend('Physiological Parameters', 'Theoretical Parameters')
title('2 Element Windkessel Model')
xlabel('time (in seconds)');
ylabel('Pressure (in mmHg)');
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