How to input result looping/iteret (for) to a existing matrix ?

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how to simple the code below with looping logic(for)? if I have Matrix A(4x4) Bu(4x1)
N=[0; 0; 0; 0];
for n = 1:6
for nn=1:6
%% Matrix Q
Q0=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X0 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
Q1=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X1 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
Q2=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X2 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
Q3=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X3 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
Q4=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X4 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
Q5=[760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 X5 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
%% LQR calculate
[K0,S0,e0] = lqr(A,Bu,Q0,R,N);
[K1,S1,e1] = lqr(A,Bu,Q1,R,N);
[K2,S2,e2] = lqr(A,Bu,Q2,R,N);
[K3,S3,e3] = lqr(A,Bu,Q3,R,N);
[K4,S4,e4] = lqr(A,Bu,Q4,R,N);
[K5,S5,e5] = lqr(A,Bu,Q5,R,N);
%% LQR result gain

Accepted Answer

Pullak Barik
Pullak Barik on 25 Jun 2019
Edited: Pullak Barik on 25 Jun 2019
I can suggest the following ways-
  1. Computing Q0, Q1, ..., Q5 values in a for-loop using a single array where the values of X(i) are replaced, say Q.
  2. Use a for-loop to call lqr on each element of Q and store the result in each element of an array K.
  3. Directly negate the array K at the end instead of negating each element and storing in a new variable.
By the way, your for-loop with 'nn' as the iterating variable seems incomplete, as there is no corresponding 'end' keyword for it. Moreover, you have not used the variable 'nn' anywhere below the declaration of the for-loop, so I suggest following the 3 suggestions above and properly encapsulating your code in for-loops.
irfan naufan
irfan naufan on 25 Jun 2019
still errorCapture.PNG
%% Body
mb = 5306.5443*(10^-3); %%kg
db = 152.54*(10^-3); %%m
ibx = 24868087.958591*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
iby = 260278008.180508*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ibz = 261399900.711023*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
%% Gimbal
mg1 = 1106.66*(10^-3); %%kg
mg2 = 1106.66*(10^-3); %%kg
dg1 = 165.765*(10^-3); %%m masih blom pas
dg2 = 165.765*(10^-3); %%m masih blom pas
ig1x = 1983819.2943816*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ig2x = 1983819.2943816*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ig1y = 1723249.0635427*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ig2y = 1723249.0635427*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ig1z = 3321937.8766810*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
ig2z = 3321937.8766810*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
%% Flywheel
mf1 = 710*(10^-3); %%kg
mf2 = 710*(10^-3); %%kg
df1 = 171.56*(10^-3); %%m
df2 = 171.56*(10^-3); %%m
if1x = 877398.360504*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
if2x = 877398.360504*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
if1y = 877398.360504*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
if2y = 877398.360504*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
if1z = 1642705.048734*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
if2z = 1642705.048734*(10^-9); %%kg m^2
%% Transmisi
j1 = 253.67*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 78.44 atau 53.84
j2 = 5396.7883322*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 3409.22 atau 1782.97
j3 = 5396.7883322*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 3409.22 atau 1782.97
j4 = 2660.87924043*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 2543.3 atau 1734.11
j5 = 2660.87924043*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 2543.3 atau 1734.11
j6 = 1108.69968351*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 2543.3 atau 1734.11
j7 = 1108.69968351*(10^-9); %%kg m^2 2543.3 atau 1734.11
n1 = 2.36;
%% Parameter
wf1 = 628.3185307179587; %% 5000 rpm 523.598775 rad/s
wf2 = -628.3185307179587; %% -5000 rpm 628.3185307179587 785.3981633974483
g = 9.81; %%m/s^2
%% Persamaan State Space
Mx = ((j2 + j3 + j4 + j5)/ n1) + n1*j1;
Mn = (n1 - (1.218*j6 / (if1y + ig1y)) + (1.218*j7 / (if2y + ig2y))) / Mx;
Mq = -((if1z*j6*wf1 /(if1y + ig1y)) + (if2z*j7*wf2 / (if2y + ig2y))) / Mx;
Mp = mb*(db^2) + ibx + if1x + if2x + ig1x + ig2x + mg1*(dg1^2) + mg2*(dg2^2) + mf1*(df1^2) + mf2*(df2^2);
Mv = mb*g*db + mg1*g*dg1 + mg2*g*dg2 + mf1*g*df1 + mf2*g*df2;
a21 = (Mv / Mp); % from rad/s to rpm
a24 = -(0.8125*wf1*if1z / Mp)+(0.8125*wf2*if2z / Mp);
a42 = Mq;
b41 = Mn;
%% State Space Mechanics Model
A = [0 1 0 0;
a21 0 0 a24;
0 0 0 1;
0 a42 0 0];
Bu = [0; 0; 0; b41];
Bd = [1; 0; 0; 0]; %% Tanyakan Pak Unggul dan yang di simulink
C = eye(4,4);
Du = zeros(4,1)
R = 510.5;
N=[0; 0; 0; 0];
nn = 6; %use this value to set the appropriate length of vectors/iterations for the whole code
%Preallocating K,S,e,x to aid in performance while running the code
K = zeros(1, nn);
S = zeros(1, nn);
e = zeros(1, nn);
x = zeros(1, nn);
for n = 1:nn
x(n) = 1650+(1100*(n-1));
for i = 1:nn
Q = [760 0 0 0; 0 70 0 0; 0 0 x(i) 0; 0 0 0 0.001];
[K(i),S(i),e(i)] = lqr(A,Bu,Q,R,N);
Klqr = -1.*K;
irfan naufan
irfan naufan on 25 Jun 2019
how to loop in simulink ? i want to loop for any Klqr as gain and result is phi,alpha, of each gain

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