Convert image coordinate to cartesian coordinates

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Given a image canvas I with 2 points (a_x, a_y) and (b_x, b_y). The plotted line on the image has the correct orientation.
However, when I plot the same coordinates (a and b) in a cartesian coordinate system, I get a line with the wrong orientation.
I would like to convert the image coordinates that they match with the cartesian system. Thanks.
% Create image canvas
canvas = zeros(320, 320);
I = uint8(canvas);
a_x = 122.6544;
a_y = 234.9782;
b_x = 165.9290;
b_y = 126.9200;
hold on
plot([a_x, b_x], [a_y, b_y] )
% Plot cartesian coordinate system
plot([a_x, b_x], [a_y, b_y])
xlim([0 320])
ylim([0 320])
axis equal
grid on

Answers (1)

vidhathri bhat
vidhathri bhat on 27 Jun 2019
In an image (0,0) co-ordinate is at top-left and in cartesian co-ordinate system it is at bottom left. That is why you are getting different orientation when you plot with same co-ordinates in both. In images 'y' co-ordinate grows in opposite direction to that of normal cartesian co-ordinate system. Just flip the y co-ordinate values while plotting in cartesian plot and you will get the correct orientation.
canvas = zeros(320, 320);
I = uint8(canvas);
a_x = 122.6544;
a_y = 234.9782;
b_x = 165.9290;
b_y = 126.9200;
hold on
plot([a_x,b_x],[a_y,b_y] )
%Plot cartesian coordinate system
plot([a_x, b_x], [-a_y, -b_y])
xlim([0 320])
ylim([-320 0])
axis equal
grid on
Hope this helps


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