Adding secondary r axis to polar plots

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Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra on 28 Jun 2019
Commented: Joe Vinciguerra on 1 Jul 2019
I would like to add a secondary r-axis to a polarplot with different limits.
The analogous in cartesian would of course be utilizing the yyaxis function, and would look like this for my data:
At the moment I'm displaying with subplot since the the ratio between the amplitude and the "DC-shift" is so great it's not practical to plot on the same axis, but I would like to overlay these datasets for visual purposes.
Is there a direct way to do this? And if not, is there a work-around?
dpb on 28 Jun 2019
I don't have time to try to play with it right now, but you could try to mimic the process illustrated in the link to creating x-y axes in the earlier documention that shows the steps of adding the second axis on top of the first with the 'position' parameter and then moving axis position, etc.
With a polar, instead of setting the second y-axis location to 'right', the 'RAxisLocation' will have to be oriented somewhere besides the default 80 degree location, but since there's only one centroid for the axes, the two ticks at the center are inevitably going to be overlapping and I see no way around that in having competing +/-5 values on top of each other visually even if are in separate axes objects.
It seems to me also as a matter of the comparison, however you plot these comparatively it makes sense only if both are scaled to the same limit ranges.
Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra on 1 Jul 2019
I understand what you're saying. And I've been thinking about your last comment more as well, regarding scaling to the same limit ranges. I'm primarily interested in showing the phase and peak-to-valley magnitude difference; the absolute values are actually meaningless. The more I think about it it probably makes the most sense for me to just perform a normalization or shift of some type and graph on the same axes.
Thanks for your input!

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