Using findpeaks from a certain point

2 views (last 30 days)
Lev Mihailov
Lev Mihailov on 8 Jul 2019
Commented: darova on 8 Jul 2019
for atls(i)+ten>ten;
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(MaxPeak,1,'MinPeakDistance');
%AtlasPoint matrix
%atls maximum of the given
Hello! I recently began to learn the function findpeaks and I didn’t study it until the end. I have an AtlasPoint matrix, some of the maximum values ​​of the dadchik, ten is the count of how many rows I remove. The essence of the question, I need to use findpeaks from the moment atlas-ten, I need to see the distance from each peak to the next, how do I do this?

Answers (1)

darova on 8 Jul 2019
If the data is [x;y]
[pks, locs] = finpeaks(y);
x(locs(2)) - x(locs(1)) % dinstance in X direciton between first two peaks
diff(x(locs)) % distance between all peaks in X direction
Lev Mihailov
Lev Mihailov on 8 Jul 2019
Edited: Lev Mihailov on 8 Jul 2019
Error Undefined function or variable 'finpeaks'.
[pks, locs] = finpeaks(atls);
x(locs(2)) - x(locs(1)) % dinstance in X direciton between first two peaks
diff(x(locs)) % distance between all peaks in X direction

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