Is there a way to check some processing flags for complex algorithms with multiple calculations if overflow, underflow occurred in processing ?

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Is there a way to check some processing flags for complex algorithms with multiple calculations if overflow, underflow occurred in processing.
Like denormalized (subnormals) inf, nan operations occurred in processing flow.
Complex algos like big matrix multiplication, eigen solvers, Cholesky decomposition, svd ..

Accepted Answer

Divya Yerraguntla
Divya Yerraguntla on 10 Aug 2019
Hi Firan,
You could use "dbstop" function to pause execution at the line that meets a specified condition. The below line of code could be used to pause execution when the code returns an infinite value (Inf) or a value that is not a number (NaN) as a result of an operator, function call, or scalar assignment.
dbstop if naninf
Have a look at this doc for more information about the function.
Hope it helps!

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