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How to mix integers and chars in matrix?

1 view (last 30 days)
1. I want to create the following matrix:
A=[1 2 3 A B C]
2. After that, based on the matrix A, I want to generate random matrix of this following matrix:
A1=[1 3 2 A C B]
A2=[2 1 3 B A C]
A2=[2 3 1 B C A]
Does any body can help me?
  1 Comment
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 27 Jan 2011
Not possible inside matrix, you must use cells

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Accepted Answer

Sebastian on 27 Jan 2011
As Paulo pointed out, this most likely requires usage of cells, e.g.:
>> A = {1 2 3 'A' 'B' 'C'};
>> A1 = A(randperm(6))
A1 =
[3] 'A' [1] 'C' [2] 'B'
>> A2 = A(randperm(6))
A2 =
[3] [2] 'C' 'A' 'B' [1]
However, if the integers and chars are always 1 digit/characte, then you can maybe also use the following approach:
>> a = '123ABC';
>> a1 = a(randperm(6))
a1 =
>> a2 = a(randperm(6))
a2 =

More Answers (3)

zakri on 27 Jan 2011
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. However, how do we want to make the alphabet change according to the integer? for instance:
Matrix A is :
A=[1 2 3 A B C]
A (column 3) is dependant to 1 (column 0)
B(column 4) is dependant to 2 (column1)
C(column 5) is dependant to 3 (column 2)
if the integer 1, 2 and 3 is randomly permute within the columns
0 to 2, the alphabets of A,B and C are also randomly permute within columns 3 to 5.

Sebastian on 27 Jan 2011
Well, you could do something like
>> a = '123ABC';
>> l = size(a,2);
>> rp = randperm(l/2);
>> a1 = a([rp rp+l/2])
a1 =

zakri on 28 Jan 2011
hi again... How to repeatedly do random such: 321CBA 312CAB 213BAC
I type a code as the following:
for i=1:3
AA(i,:)=A([rp rp+l/2]);
however the result appear as follows:
AA =
49 51 50 65 67 66
49 51 50 65 67 66
49 51 50 65 67 66
the result that i am expected should be something like this:
3 2 1 C B A
2 1 3 B A C
2 3 1 B C A
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 31 Jan 2011
already did lol
c'mon you just need to put the randperm inside the loop, so easy :)
zakri on 31 Jan 2011
It works!!thank you.

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