PDE thermal model with internal heat sources as a function of temperature
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For the steady state heat transfer model I want to specify internal heat source as a function of local temperature. I tried as:
internalHeatSource(myPde, @(location, state) A*((interpolateTemperature(state.u, [location.x; location.y; location.z]))' - Tb), 'cell', 11);
but when I try to solve the model, I get an error:
Function specifying a heat source must accept two
input arguments and return one output argument.
Perhaps I have to somehow transform state.u to thermalresults form. Can you explain me how to properly do that?
Answers (2)
Tadeu Fagundes
on 12 Feb 2020
I have the same issue. It seems like if you only use the location input, it works fine. But anything using the state input gives me the same error.
on 1 May 2020
Same issue. I have been looking around, but I can't find an answer for this problem. I have been trying to simulate the steady state of a curing process inside a heated die and I can’t progress because of this problem with a temperature dependent internal heat source.
on 3 Oct 2023
I might have something for this... after many hours of trial and error.
For my model, I created an anonymous function as you did. In my model, I have a temperature minimum which will trigger the internal heat generated to switch between 0 and whatever my net heat value is for the system.
Q_int = @(location,state) myInternalHeat(TemperatureMin,HeatParams,state.u);
TemperatureMin is a double, and HeatParams is a structure containing Q_net.
Then, myInternalHeat works like this:
function Q_int = myInternalHeat(TemperatureMin,HeatParams,state)
mean_temp = mean(state);
if mean_temp <= TemperatureMin
Q_int = zeros(size(state));
Q_int = zeros(size(state)) + HeatParams.Q_net;
It was important to keep Q_int the same size as state so it would actually read and return correctly. From there, I assigned my internal heat with the normal internalHeatSource function. From their documentation here it seems that the form of your function must follow the two in, one out format.
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