The following code runs fine when my Ra values are low or I reduce the t to very small values. But as soon as I incerese t or Ra the code gives the following error.
"Warning: Failure at t=5.652476e-05. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest
value allowed (1.084202e-19) at time t. "
I am trying to solve convective heat transfer equation in a vessel heated from the bottom. B.C are that at the top I have a stress free and adiabatic surface. At the bottom I have a constant flux and no-slip.
%% In this code u1= v (vertical velocity), u2= Temperature, y is the vertical dimension
%% setting up the problem parameters
L=2; %% total depth, in positive units
y= linspace (0,L,30); %% space mesh
t= linspace(0,0.00015,3); %% time mesh
m=0; %% part of pdepe arguments, we have cartisian coordinate system, otherwise m changes
sol = pdepe(m,@heatpde,@heatic,@heatbc,y,t); %% solving system of PDEs
%% for mapping the result
u1 = sol(:,:,1); %% obtained Velocity profile
u2 = sol(:,:,2); %% obtained Temperature Profile
%% defining PDE function
function [c,f,s] = heatpde(y,t,u,dudy)
%properties of fluid under consideration
Ra= 1*10^7; %% Raynold Number
Pr= 7; %% Prandlt Number
R= 1; %% density
G= 10; % gravitational acceleration
% function matrices
f= [Pr;1].*dudy; %% flux term
F1= Ra *Pr *u(2);
F2= Ra *Pr * R * G;
F3= u(1)* dudy(1);
F4= 2.718^(-y);
F5= u(1)* dudy(2);
s= [(F1+F2-F3);(F4-F5)]; %% source term
%% Initial Conditions
function u0= heatic(y)
u0 = [0;10]; %%initial velocity and temperature
%% Boundary Conditions
function [pt,qt,pb,qb] = heatbc (yt,ut,yb,ub,t)
F5= -2.718^(-2);
pt= [0; 0]; %%top B.C,
qt= [1; 1]; %% top B.C,
pb= [ub(1); F5]; %%bottom B.C,
qb= [0; 1]; %% bottom B.C, p+(q*f)=0