How to Plot a histogram of the letter frequency from the encoding key? I can get my histogram to show me the ascii values of each letter that comes up but can't figure out how to get it to display the characters instead of ascii vals.

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function Project2(symbols,Dictionary)
%probability vector goes in the dictionary
% symbols go in the transmitter
%tf = ischar(symbols)
%if tf == 1
[dict,avglen] = huffmandict(num2cell(symbols), Dictionary); %creates a 1x6 cell array for transmitter to create huffmandict
sig = char( randsrc(1,10,[double(symbols); Dictionary]) ); %creates a signal from the probabilities of the Dictionary with random order
encoded = huffmanenco(sig,dict) %occurence of symbol is based on Dictionary
decoded = cell2mat(huffmandeco(encoded,dict))
z = isequal(sig,decoded)
% [dict, avglen] = huffmandict(symbols,Dictionary);
% sig = randsrc(1,10,[symbols; Dictionary]);
% comp = huffmanenco(sig,dict);
% dsig = huffmandeco(comp,dict);
% isequal(sig,dsig);
% end
% the for loop below gives a binary key for each letter assigned
temp = dict;
for k = 1:length(temp)
temp{k,2} = num2str(temp{k,2});
%Y = categorical(dict)
G = double(decoded) %this is histogram of ascii values
dictionary.Symbols = symbols
dictionary.Probabilities = Dictionary
dictionary.averagelength = avglen
dictionary.encoded = encoded
dictionary.decoded = decoded
dictionary.Binarykey = temp
% function call Project2(['abcdef'],[.4,.15,.05,.15,.05,.2])

Answers (1)

Sid Singh
Sid Singh on 21 Oct 2019
Edited: Sid Singh on 21 Oct 2019
Hi, it is expected if you use numeric values to plot the histogram. You can use categorical array to achieve what you want to do.
for k = 1:length(decoded)
c_arr{k} = char(decoded(k));
categ_arr = categorical(c_arr);
%G = double(decoded); %this is histogram of ascii values

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