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How to convert .m to .mlapp

68 views (last 30 days)
Hyunjin Park
Hyunjin Park on 31 Oct 2019
How to convert .m to .mlapp
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 3 Nov 2019
Edited: Adam Danz on 4 Nov 2019
"Actually i get .m file made by app designer from other person"
What does that mean? App designer files are stored as .mlapp.
I think the m file you have was not created in app designed but was created bottom-up by creating a figure using uifigure() and additng other components manually. If that's the case, you cannot convert that to app-designer format. In fact, if that's the case, the m-file is better than an app designer file because you have more control of the bottom-up approach.
Another interpretation is that someone copy-pasted the content from the appdesigern code into an m file. But I doubt that m-file would even function.
If you attach the m file, it may clear up this issue.
Ahmet Kutsay DERE
Ahmet Kutsay DERE on 6 Nov 2021
A Matlab .mlapp file can be converted into .m file by using save as (export to .m file) button. But I don't know how can I convert .m file, created by exporting from Matlab App, into .mlapp file. I'm also researching this too

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Accepted Answer

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar on 1 Nov 2019
If you have a GUI(.m) made in matlab and you want to convert it to MATLAB app(.mlapp), you can use migration tool provided by MATLAB.
  1 Comment
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 1 Nov 2019
If the GUI was created by guide() then you'd need the m file and the fig file for migration.
If the GUI was created using uicontrol(), that can't be migrated. It's much better to build the GUI bottom-up anway.

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