Calling a function handle of interp1 to another function handle.

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Here, I want to calculate input current based on power demand. Current is calculated based on this formula . But when I run the code it gives nothing even any error. Problem is pwr(t). When I write any constant number like 5 or 9 instead of pwr(t) it works. Then I can observe the graphs but why pwr(t) is not working?
Nc=1000; %number of cell
ocv=@(t,k)interp1(socindex,Voc,(1+k)); % k =y(:,1)
pwr=@(t)interp1(power_index,power,t); %power demand of the battery
Ro= 0.0048*exp(31.0494/(25+15.3253));
R1=@(t,k)((7.1135e-4) + (-4.3865e-4.*(1+k)) + (2.3788e-4.*(1+k).^2))*exp(347.4707/(25+79.5819));
C1=@(t,k)(335.4518) + (3.1712e3.*(1+k)) + (-1.3214e3.*(1+k).^2) + (53.2138 + (-65.4786.*(1+k)) +(44.3761.*(1+k).^2)).*25;
R2=@(t,k)(0.0288 + (-0.073).*(1+k) + 0.0605.*(1+k).^2)*exp(16.6712./25);
C2=@(t,k)(3.1887e4) + ((-1.1593e5).*(1+k)) + (1.0493e5.*(1+k).^2)+ (60.3114 + 1.0175e4.*(1+k) + (-9.5924e3.*(1+k).^2).*25);
vf=@(t,k,m,n) ocv(t,k)-m-n;
crrnt=@(t,k,m,n) (vf(t,k,m,n)-sqrt(vf(t,k,m,n).^2-(4*Ro).*pwr(t)))/2*Ro; % Current calculation according to power demand
tspan=[1 1370];
v= @(t,k,m,n) ocv(t,k)- Ro.*crrnt(t,k,m,n)-m-n;
function dydt=soc(t,y,Q,crrnt,R1,R2,C1,C2)
dydt(1,1)= crrnt(t,y(1),y(2),y(3))./(-3600*Q);
dydt(2,1)=(-1/(R1(t,ssoc).*C1(t,ssoc))).*y(2) + (1./C1(t,ssoc)).*crrnt(t,y(1),y(2),y(3));
dydt(3,1)=(-1/(R2(t,ssoc).*C2(t,ssoc))).*y(3) + (1./C2(t,ssoc)).*crrnt(t,y(1),y(2),y(3));
Stephen23 on 15 Nov 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 15 Nov 2019
"I don't see t defined anywhere in that code, to pass as an argument to pwr(t)"
crrnt=@(t,k,m,n) (vf(t,k,m,n)-sqrt(vf(t,k,m,n).^2-(4*Ro).*pwr(t)))/2*Ro;
% ^ ^
% ^ ^
function dydt=soc(t,y,Q,crrnt,R1,R2,C1,C2)
% ^
dydt(1,1)= crrnt(t,y(1),y(2),y(3))./(-3600*Q);
% ^
Ece Kurt
Ece Kurt on 15 Nov 2019
t is a function handle it could have been anything but in the line with ode45 t is the output. I know it is confusing.

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Answers (1)

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 21 Nov 2019
From the code I can see that ‘Q’ is not declared anywhere So, maybe the error is because of that only. Otherwise the script run fine on my side. You may want to check the algorithm that is implemented here for the correctness of the logic.

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