Change plot properties generated from a curve fitting

22 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to remove the markers and change the line properties from a plot made by rational fit. I tried different options such as Marker, none and Linestyle but it did not work. I have event tried h.Marker='none' and no success. Any idea how to solve this?
[fitresult, gof] = fit( xData, yData, ft, opts );
% h = plot( fitresult, xData, yData, 'Linestyle', 'none','Color','k', 'Marker',marker_style{i} );
h = plot( fitresult, xData, yData);
h.Marker = 'none';
Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra on 16 Nov 2019
I’m not at my computer right now, but can you access the properties you want from the property inspector dialog? Or are they within a "child" of h?

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Accepted Answer

Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra on 16 Nov 2019
Since the object contains 2 lines try calling them specifically. For example:
h(2).Color=[.5 .5 .5]
Very Determined
Very Determined on 18 Nov 2019
Edited: Very Determined on 18 Nov 2019
Thank you. This helps. However, I still see the lines and data in the legend. I am plotting 4 sets of data in a for loop, so I do not want to define specific handle for each plot to manipulating the legends. Could you help learn how to remove the line and 'fittted curve' from the legend? I waant to define legend later for markers ('data' here) so the text legend for markers should also be modified.
Very Determined
Very Determined on 18 Nov 2019
Edited: Very Determined on 18 Nov 2019
OK. I figured out to fix this issue by defining the figure handles in the loop as a cell array.
h{k} = plot( fitresult, xData, yData);
h{k}(1).Marker = marker_style{i};
h{k}(2).Color=[.5 .5 .5];
and out of the loop
legend([h{1}(1) h{2}(1) h{3}(1) h{4}(1)], legends_text{1},legends_text{2},legends_text{3},legends_text{4},'AutoUpdate','off')

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