how to use cell ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Mira le
Mira le on 25 Nov 2019
Commented: Guillaume on 25 Nov 2019
In my case
>> U
U =
1×2 cell array
[1×2 double] [1×2 double]
>> U{1}
ans =
1 2
>> U{2}
ans =
2 3
F = { } ;
How can I obtain F like that?
F = { {1 2} { 2 3} }

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 25 Nov 2019
If you're asking how to transform U into your desired F:
F = cellfun(@num2cell, U, 'UniformOuput', false);
would be one way of doing it.
However, making a cell array of scalar numbers (e.g. {1, 2}) is rarely a good idea. It uses a lot more memory and is more complicated to use.
Mira le
Mira le on 25 Nov 2019
I just forgor to make the right F in the first
Guillaume on 25 Nov 2019
I still have no idea what you're asking since you haven't even explained what we start with and what you're trying to do.

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