Select method of Worksheet class failed

6 views (last 30 days)
Edward Contreras
Edward Contreras on 26 Nov 2019
Commented: Guillaume on 28 Nov 2019
Come up with error Select method of Worksheet class failed, when try to select a xcel sheet using xlswrite
Have tried all methods previously mentioned, disabling add ins in xcel, saving the directory in users/public, repairing xcel, closing all xcel instances using taskmanager, changing xslwrite to xlswrite1, giving Admin priveleges to Matlab though this has not solved the problem.
I am using code from reputable author on Github, from an academic pape, that has been validated on Matlab 2017b what I used (also tried on Matlab 2018a), so am stuck for ideas. ("On-demand serum-free media formulations for human hematopoietic cell expansion using a high dimensional search algorithm" by Julie Audet).
Guillaume on 26 Nov 2019
Can you
  • attach the problematic excel file. If content is confidential, you can remove the data from the spreadsheets as long as the spreadsheets are still there
  • show us the exact xlswrite call that you use
  • give us the entire text of the error message you get, without any edit.
Edward Contreras
Edward Contreras on 26 Nov 2019
Edited: Edward Contreras on 26 Nov 2019
Thanks very much
Line 40 = activate the sheet
if run == 1
% Get source sheet/template from source file.
sheet_source = e_file_source.Sheets.Item('Reagent Cf');
sheet_source.Activate; % activate the sheet
sheet_source.Select; % select the sheet
Line 99 = SaveExcelsheet
if run == 0
run = run + 1;
disp(repmat('- ',1,textWidth/2));
SaveExcelSheet; % create new worksheet in excel workbook
disp(['main: starting G' num2str(run)]);
disp([' F = ' num2str(mutCon) ', CR = ' num2str(crossCon)]);
Error message
Error using Interface.000208D8_0000_0000_C000_000000000046/Select
Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: Microsoft Excel
Description: Select method of Worksheet class failed
Help File: xlmain11.chm
Help Context ID: 0
Error in SaveExcelSheet (line 40)
sheet_source.Select; % select the sheet
Error in main (line 99)
SaveExcelSheet; % create new worksheet in excel workbook
Alternatively I have tried with another computer and got error meassage Interface.000208D8_0000_0000_C000_000000000046/Select
Additionally all code is on github

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Answers (1)

Guillaume on 26 Nov 2019
I'm sure the author is vey good at her research but a good programmer she's not. Global variables in every single function, what a nightmare!
I can't see why you'd get an error on line 40. It is probably something specific to your excel installation unfortunately. However, since it appears that the code succesfully loads the excel file and locates the worksheet (otherwise you'd get an error much earlier), you could simply delete the offending line. None of the
sheet_source.Activate; % activate the sheet
sheet_source.Select; % select the sheet
on line 39, 40, 47, 48 do anything useful. The code works exactly the same without these lines.
Edward Contreras
Edward Contreras on 28 Nov 2019
Thanks for your input, out of intrest it's in GenCocktailList, Factors and factorNameList are 0x0 matrices which is why it throws up the error I think.
Guillaume on 28 Nov 2019
Doing a search in all files shows that factornamelist is created in line 15 of saveExcelSheet with:
[~,factorNameList,~] = xlsread(sourcefile,'Reagent Cf',allListRange);
So you'll have to look in the Reagent Cf tab of whichever file sourcefile is and see if it contains at least some text (in whatever range is specified by allListRange).
And since we're editing the code, in GenCocktailList you may as well replace the absurd
switch k
case 1, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 2, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 3, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 4, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 5, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 6, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 7, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 8, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 9, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 10, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 11, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 12, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 13, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
case 14, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
% case 15, Factors(k).name = factorNameList{k,1};
if k <= 14
Factors{k}.name = factorNameList{k, 1};
which does exactly the same.

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