ev3 SimuLink External Mode dose not work
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I connect the ev3 brick via USB cable to my host Windows 10 . The model can be built and deploied to the hardware with no error. However when I click on run bottom to use External mode to tun and monitor the model , I get this error:
Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_comm': Failed to connect to the target. Possible reasons for the failure: a) The target is not switched on. b) The target is not connected to your host machine. c) The application for the model is not running on the target. You might have clicked the Stop button. If the Run button is not dimmed, click it. Otherwise, click the Build button, which downloads and runs your application on the target. Caused by: An error occurred attempting to open an rtIOStream. More detail may be reported in the MATLAB command window
any help is appriciated .
Answers (1)
Kautuk Raj
on 18 Oct 2024
The error you are experiencing when trying to use External mode with the EV3 brick is due to the connection method. External mode is supported only when the EV3 brick is connected via a WiFi or Ethernet connection. Unfortunately, it is not supported over USB (which you are currently using) or Bluetooth connections due to hardware limitations. You can refer to this MathWorks ocumentation for more details: https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/supportpkg/legomindstormsev3_ref/communicating-with-lego-mindstorms-ev3-hardware.html
To resolve this issue, try connecting your EV3 brick to your host machine using a WiFi or Ethernet connection. This should allow you to run and monitor your model in External mode successfully.
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