Unavailable Simscape blocks in a 2019b model exported for 2018b

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I have a Simulink/Simscape model in 2019b and I want to open it in 2018b. I exported the 2019b model into 2018b. When I open the exported model with 2018b, the Simscape blocks appears as unavailable. Could you please help me to see the Simscape blocks with 2018b ?
Samuel Quiniou
Samuel Quiniou on 20 Jan 2020
Edited: Samuel Quiniou on 20 Jan 2020
Here is the error logged in the Diagnostic View of 2019b when exporting the model:
Export to R2018b
09:09 AM Elapsed: 4 sec
Error running method slexportprevious.preprocess.SimscapeElectricalBlocks: (physmod:ee:library:ExportToPreviousVersion) Export to previous version does not support Simscape-based blocks from Simscape Electrical.
'<path to the model>' created for use in Simulink R2018b, but the conversion was only partially successful. Examine this model for changes to original behavior.
Samuel Quiniou
Samuel Quiniou on 20 Jan 2020
Edited: Samuel Quiniou on 20 Jan 2020
And the error in the Diagnostic View of 2018b when trying to open the model:
Model Load
09:13 AM Elapsed: 26 sec
Model 'TestBench' was created with a newer version (R2019b) of Simulink To create a model that is compatible with this version of Simulink, load the model in Simulink R2019b and select File > Export Model to > Previous Version.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model warning
Cannot find library called 'ee_lib'. To use the library, install 'Simscape Electrical'.

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Answers (3)

Jonas on 17 Jan 2020
Are you sure you have installed all toolboxes on your MATLAB 2018b version? You need to install your necessary licenses for each and every MATLAB version, they are not shared.
Samuel Quiniou
Samuel Quiniou on 20 Jan 2020
I can see that the toolboxes Simscape (version 4.5) and Simscape Electrical (version 7.0) are installed in the Add-On Manager of 2018b.
Jonas on 20 Jan 2020
I am suspecting the export to 2018b failed because there may be a block in you Simscape Electrical which is not supported in 2018b. Could be some new block? I can suggest to check the releasenotes for versions 2019a and 2019b for changes to the Simscape Electrical library to see if you are using any of those functionalities.

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Pradeep Gurrala
Pradeep Gurrala on 29 Apr 2020
The simscape electrical library in 2019 is renamed to ee_lib from elec_lib in 2018

Vitor Henrique Madureira Biajo
Edited: Vitor Henrique Madureira Biajo on 1 Feb 2021
I have a similar issue over here. I downgraded a R2020a Simulink model to R2018b, but it cannot find the Simscape Electrical Blocks, which is indeed installed. How can I solve it?





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