here is the code for open existing ppt and get the no of slides.
Now next task is that how can I replace figures by new figures from existing slides
Thank you in advance!!
clear all; clc;
project_dir = pwd(); %new
% List all current folder contents ending with .png. Resulting names will
% appear in the order returned by the operating system.
files = dir( fullfile(project_dir, '*.png')); %changed
% Create Common Object Model (COM) server so MATLAB can export data to
% PowerPoint
g = actxserver('powerpoint.application');
% Open PowerPoint and make it visible
g.Visible = 1;
Presentation = g.Presentation;
% Prompt the user for the PowerPoint file to amend
[fn, pn] = uigetfile('*.pptx', 'Select PowerPoint File To Amend');
filename = fullfile(pn, fn); %changed
Presentation = invoke(Presentation, 'open', filename);
% Get current number of slides
slide_count = get(Presentation.Slides, 'Count');