how can I check if there is a cell in a structure?

6 views (last 30 days)
I have a structure that is dynamically filled through a for loop if certain conditions are met. It happens, however, that if the for loop reaches the end and the condition is not respected, I have a structure with a field that has one less element. How can I automatically check if this field has been completely filled?
for example in the code below it is verified that the cell 'struct.hi (1,2)' does not exist because the condition has not been respected. When I run under the control with 'isempty' and I get to the third cell I get this error: Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
for i=1:2
if expression
for j=1:2
if isempty(struct.hi(1,i)==0)

Accepted Answer

Sindar on 29 Jan 2020
Check the size of struct.hi. If the second dimension is size 1, then the struct.hi(1,2) doesn't exist
if size(struct.hi,2) == 1
Also, I wouldn't use struct as a variable name, since it is an important built-in
  1 Comment
Gianmarco Manzo
Gianmarco Manzo on 29 Jan 2020
ok I try. Oh yes, it was only and example name. In reality my struct's name is FC. Thx.

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