How to calculate Daily mean and monthly mean from hourly data?

25 views (last 30 days)
I have hourly data for 5years continuasly and I would like to calculate daily mean and montly mean.
Sample data file attached

Accepted Answer

Akira Agata
Akira Agata on 25 Feb 2020
I would recommend the following steps:
  1. Import the data file
  2. Arrange the data and create timetable variable
  3. Apply retime funciton to obtain daily/monthly average
The following is an example:
% Read the data file
opts = detectImportOptions('test_pog.txt');
T = readtable('test_pog.txt',opts);
% Make a datetime vector
Time = datetime(T{:,1},'InputFormat','yyyy.MM.dd.');
Time.Hour = T{:,2};
% Add the datetime vector and remove the 1st&2nd columns
T.Time = Time;
T(:,1:2) = [];
% Convert to timetable
TT = table2timetable(T);
% Apply retime function to obtain daily/monthly mean
TTdailyMean = retime(TT,'daily','mean');
TTmonthlyMean = retime(TT,'monthly','mean');
Lejla Latifovic
Lejla Latifovic on 21 Apr 2022
Fabulous, thank you so much! I was able to get it to work and plot.
Jack on 18 Aug 2022
Is there a way to use timetables to calculate statistics for a specific date?
For example, what is the average high temperature on July 4th over the last 30 years?

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