how to make parallelization of different functions in matlab

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I created matlab functions for digital image watermarking. Now I want to use multithreading for it. Means want to run my functions on different threads of my machine. Please suggest me. I work with 4096*4096 size iamge and perform watermark embedding and extraction process. Please help me.
shital shinde
shital shinde on 15 Feb 2020
Ok. Sorry for this one. Actually I am new for this one. Thats why this issue occurs. Actually my main task is for parallelization of digital image watermarking in matlab. For that I want to first learn image processing using parallel computing. So I need some basic problem statement which clear amout parallel computing. That I have to show my guide. After that I will go for watermarking. So, help me for that please. I am new for this one. And sorry for this inconvenience.
thank you

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