Getting one field data using other field in struct

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I have a structure
I want to get the data of 2nd field but not using app.temp.Channel(2).data
I want to use the name field instead.
something like
mydata = == 'U1');
but I have error (Error using == ; Too many input arguments).
May I know some suggestions, How to do this in a simple manner without using complex for loops.
Timon Rayis
Timon Rayis on 13 Feb 2020
but when I try
mydata = cellfun(@( x )strcmp( x, 'U1' ), {app.temp.Channel(:).name} ));
It says
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there
were 3 results.
Timon Rayis
Timon Rayis on 13 Feb 2020
@Temu Gautama Thanks.
I made a small change (.data) in that line comes at last.
And now I can get the data.

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