Finding Minimum Distance Between Points to Find Indexed Variable

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi All,
Two matrices, one here with size 1251x3:
dtamatrix = [xFe54t(:),Fo(:),DeltaFe56(:)];
And another one here, with size 4x1:
Felimitmatrix = [Foyqlimit(:)]
First, I want to find which values of Fo each of my Foyqlimit values are closest to, generating four values of Fo. Then, I want my code to read the specific xFe54t values that correspond with these four values of Fo, generating a 4x1 column vector of xFe54t values.
Can anyone provide any insight as to how to do this?
darova on 12 Mar 2020
Too much explanations. Couldn't handle them
Can you make a simple drawing or something?
Jonathan Pinko
Jonathan Pinko on 13 Mar 2020
A drawing would be tough, but I'll try to simplify things. I've changed things a little.
Two matrices, one here with size 1251x3:
dtamatrix = [xFe54t(:),Fo(:),DeltaFe56(:)];
And another one here, with size 4x1:
Felimitmatrix = [Foyqlimit(:)]
First, I want to find which values of Fo each of my Foyqlimit values are closest to, generating four values of Fo. Then, I want my code to read the specific xFe54t values that correspond with these four values of Fo, generating a 4x1 column vector of xFe54t values.
How could I do this?
Thanks for responding.

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Accepted Answer

Turlough Hughes
Turlough Hughes on 13 Mar 2020
Edited: Turlough Hughes on 13 Mar 2020
If you don't have the statistics and machine learning toolbox you can do the following:
[~,idx] = min(abs(dtamatrix(:,2) - Felimitmatrix.')); % for 2016b and later
and alternatively for versions prior to 2016b
[~,idx] = min(abs(bsxfun(@minus,dtamatrix(:,2),Felimitmatrix.'))); % before 2016b
xFe54t_Flim = dtamatrix(idx,1);

More Answers (1)

darova on 13 Mar 2020
Use pdist2 to find closest points
D = pdist2(Fo(:),Foyqlimit(:)); % every combination (Matrix 1251x4)
[~,ix] = min(D); % closest indices
xFe54t(ix) % values you want




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