Problem in Gamma Gamma Distribution PDF of FSO Channel with Strong Atmospheric Turbulence

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I am working on FSO channel with strong atmospheric turbulence. This is the code of PDF of Gamma-Gamma Distribution. I am having problem with Bessel Function Graph. Thus my PDF graph is not according to what it should be.
These are the graphs of Gamma-Gamma Distribution and Bessel Function respectively. (PDF vs Irradiance (dB ) & Bessel funct vs Irradiance (dB) )
Can anyone please help me find out what is wrong in my code???
The actual Graph of Gamma-Gamma PDF and its eqn:
%% Parameters & Functions
Rb=10e9; % Data Rate
B=2e10 ;% Bandwidth
Lam=1550e-9; % Wavelength
Rd=0.85; %Responsivity
Cs=1e-14; % Refractive Index Parameter for strong turbulence
e=1.6023e-19; % charge of electron
Rl=50; % Load Resistance
T=300; % Temperature
a= 10^(0.02)*1e-3; %Attenuation Coeff
sigma2= @(x) (1.23*Cs*((2*pi/Lam)^(7/6))*x.^(11/6)); % Ryotov Variance
alp= @(x) (exp((0.49*sigma2(x))./(1+1.11*(sigma2(x)).^(6/15)).^(7/6))-1).^(-1); % PDF parameter alpha
beta= @(x) (exp((0.51*sigma2(x))./(1+0.69*(sigma2(x)).^(6/15)).^(5/6))-1).^(-1); % PDF parameter beta
Bess= @(I,x) besselk((alp(x)-beta(x)),(2*sqrt(alp(x)*beta(x)*I)),1); % modified bessel function of 2nd kind, order = alpha-beta
Gam=@(x) gamma(alp(x))*gamma(beta(x)); % Gamma function of alpha and beta
albe=@(x) (alp(x)+beta(x))/2;
PDF= @(I,L) (2*((alp(L).*beta(L)).^(albe(L))).*(I.^((albe(L)-1))).*Bess(I,L))/Gam(L); % PDF of Gamma-Gamma Distribution
IdB=linspace(-40,40,70); % Irradiance in dB
I=10.^(IdB/10); % Irradiance
L=[4000]; % Link range 4km
figure(1); lw =1.5;

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Answers (2)

Ayhan Yenilmez
Ayhan Yenilmez on 3 Jun 2022
Edited: Ayhan Yenilmez on 10 Jun 2022
Your Bessel function must be like this
Bess= @(I,x) besselk((alp(x)-beta(x)),(2*sqrt(alp(x)*beta(x)*I)));
And don't use Irradience in dB, use linear like this
Finally, use L<=3000 (channel has very strong turbulence for 4km with this parameters), (or change Cs)
L=3000; % or less than 3000 for reducing sigma2
figure(1); lw =1.5;

Akhtar Saeed
Akhtar Saeed on 3 Nov 2023
Could you please share the paper title you are looking into, for "The actual Graph of Gamma-Gamma PDF and its eqn:"?
Many thanks in advance.

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