How to get drive name?
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Ethan Goldstein
on 8 May 2020
Edited: Eivind Hennestad
on 25 Nov 2022
I am trying to get the drive name, not just the drive letter. For example, I have my 'C' drive and it is called 'OSDisk'. Given I know the drive I want to find the name of ('C'), what function should I call to get the name 'OSDisk'?
Accepted Answer
per isakson
on 8 May 2020
Edited: per isakson
on 8 May 2020
On Windows this function works with my local drives
>> DriveName( 'C' )
ans =
>> DriveName( 'D' )
ans =
function drive_name = DriveName( drive_letter )
cmd_str = sprintf( 'dir %s:\\zzzzzz', drive_letter );
[~,msg] = system( cmd_str );
cac = strsplit( msg, '\n' );
has = contains( cac, 'Volume in drive');
drive_name = regexp( cac{has}, '(?<= is ).+$', 'match', 'once' );
A bit better
function drive_name = DriveName( drive_letter )
cmd_str = sprintf( 'vol %s:', drive_letter );
[~,msg] = system( cmd_str );
cac = strsplit( msg, '\n' );
drive_name = regexp( cac{1}, '(?<= is ).+$', 'match', 'once' );
per isakson
on 8 May 2020
This is the most universal I can think of
function drive_name = DriveName( drive_letter )
if ismac
% Code to run on Mac platform
elseif isunix
% Code to run on Linux platform
elseif ispc
% Code to run on Windows platform
disp('Platform not supported')
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