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Invisible data? Where are they stored?

3 views (last 30 days)
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers on 10 May 2020
Edited: Paul Rogers on 10 May 2020
Hi everyone, I wrote a code from a tool I am not expert about at all (chebfun).
I managed to make it work and run.
What I am missing now (maybe I am wrong) is that I expeted some values (a matrix to be precise),
but I can't find them.
The only place they could be is here:
but when I open cols and rows I see only empty cells, like this:
Is it possile to see those numbers (coefficient)?

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 10 May 2020
"from a tool" Is this tool public? Can we see its documentation or download it somewhere? If not, it's going to be difficult to help you.
All we can say is that approximationResult is an object of class chebfun2 and that cols and rows are objects of class chebfun. They're all custom classes so the author may have customised the way they're displayed. And they must have or there's a major bug in there code since the size of the objects are reported negative. Negative sizes shouldn't be possible so I strongly suspect a bug somewhere in their code. The fact that the size reported is -9223372036854775808 which is the largest negative integer of type int64 is also a strong hint of a bug.
I'm afraid here, you'll have to contact the author of the tool to get them to fix their tool (and document it better probably).
  1 Comment
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers on 10 May 2020
Edited: Paul Rogers on 10 May 2020
yes it's an open source tool, the tool is this:
I really don't know much about, I've just learn a few commands for what I need and it works, but I am still missing the coefficient I was looking for.
That's their website:

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