My computer won't run a code with bandpass filter
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Hi everyone, I'm having trouble running a code that involves passing a signal through a bandpass filter. The exact same code runs on someone else's computer, so we are not sure why it won't run properly on mine. Here is the code.
%-1.599 bias
close all;
clear all;
Fs = 125e3; % Sample Frequency in Hz
fnyquist = Fs/2; %nyquist frequency
signal_with_bias = csvread('BallSignal.csv',1,0);
sig_i = signal_with_bias(:,1); %in_phase signal
sig_i = sig_i - mean(sig_i); %remove bias
sig_q = signal_with_bias(:,2);%quad_signal
sig_q = sig_q - mean(sig_q); %remove bias
signal = complex(sig_i, sig_q); %the complex signal
%Calculate DC bias
bias_i = mean(signal_with_bias(:,1));
fprintf('%f\n', bias_i)
bias_q = mean(signal_with_bias(:,2));
fprintf('%f\n', bias_q)
N =length(signal); %length of signal
t = (0:1:N-1)/Fs; %time period
Ts = mean(diff(t)); %sampling Time
fs =(0:N-1).*(Fs/N); %frequency vector
Is = 1:length(fs); % Index Vector
w = hann(N); %hanning window
ff=fft((signal .*w)); %fourier transform of the signal after hanning window
power = abs(ff).^2/N;
%b_signal = bandpass(ff, [2.35e4, 2.45e4],Fs); % apply a bandpass filter 23500Hz to 24500Hz
b_signal = bandpass(signal, [2.399e4, 2.405e4],Fs); % apply a bandpass filter 23500Hz to 41000Hz
fff =fft(b_signal.*w);
b_power = abs(fff).^2/N;
sig_f = ifft(fff); % inverse fourier transform of the filtered signal
%Plot Complex Signal
plot(t,real(signal .*w),'r',t,imag(signal .*w),'k');
title('Signal'); xlabel('time(s)'); ylabel('Voltage(V)');
legend('real', 'imaginary');
%Plot the Power Spectrum
plot(fs, power); %Frequency Vs. Power
title('Power Spectrum'); xlabel('Frequency(Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude');
norm_ff = fft(signal)/N;
amp_fts = abs(norm_ff(Is))*2; % Spectrum Amplitude
phs_fts = angle(norm_ff(Is)); % Spectrum Phase
phase=atan2(imag(signal),real(signal))*180/pi; %phase information
%Power Spectrum after bandpass filter
plot(fs, b_power);
title('Power Spectrum of bandpass signal'); xlabel('Frequency(Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude');
%Plot Bandpass Signal
plot(t,real(sig_f), 'r', t, imag(sig_f), 'k'); % plot the real and imaginary bandpass signal
title('Bandpass signal'); xlabel('time(s)'); ylabel('Voltage');
legend('real', 'imaginary');

I've attached the error I get. I tried running another code from mathworks' website and got a similar error. I have the signal processing toolbox and other codes using the toolbox work properly as long as a bandpass filter is not used. Is there something else I need to download? Any help is much appreciated.
Mathieu NOE
on 30 Nov 2020
late input from me
just in case it might help you in the future, this code is about the standard digital filters used in audio
maybe sometimes the good old fashioned way can help
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