Error in simulated annealing --- "your objective function must return a scalar value"

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I want to minimize a function using simulated annealing tool of matlab. Here is the matlab file that I used -
clear, close all
fid = fopen('test.dat');
C = textscan(fid, '%s %f');
protname = C{1};
slopedata = C{2};
for i=1:length(slopedata)
fn = sprintf('inte_%s.dat',protname{i});
Evals{i} = load(fn);
Nwt = 22;
EE=zeros([Nwt length(slopedata)]);
pE=zeros([Nwt length(slopedata)]);
for i=1:length(slopedata)
[~, EE(:,i), pE(:,i)] = gethist(Evals{i},Nwt);
wts0 = -exp((1:Nwt)/10)'; % initial weighting function
options = saoptimset('simulannealbnd');
options = saoptimset(options,'Display','iter','TolFun',1e-12,'MaxFunEvals',2000);
deltaslope = @(wts) slope_functn(wts,EE,pE,slopedata);
[wts, resnorm, residual, exitflag] = simulannealbnd(deltaslope,wts0,[],[],options);
slope_pred = slopedata - residual;
[rr , pp] = corr(slope_pred,slopedata)
plot(slope_pred,slopedata,'ks'), hold on
axis equal,
title('slopes from data and model prediction'),
hold off
h=bar(1:Nwt,wts), set(h,'FaceColor',[.5 .5 .5],'EdgeColor','k'), hold on,
xlabel('E (scaled)'),
title('Initial (blue) and final weighting functions in \int w(E) E P(E) dE')
hold off
And the error that I got is
??? Error using ==> samakedata at 30
Your objective function must return a scalar value.
Error in ==> simulannealcommon at 113
solverData = samakedata(solverData,problem,options);
Error in ==> simulanneal at 44
[x,fval,exitflag,output,solverData,problem,options] = ...
Error in ==> simulannealbnd at 122
[x, fval, exitflag, output] = simulanneal(FUN, x0, [], [], [], [], lb, ub,
Error in ==> simanneal at 52
[wts, resnorm, residual, exitflag] =
Error in ==> run at 74
evalin('caller',[script ';']);
Could anyone please suggets me what should I do?
Thanks in advance

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Apr 2011
You should show us the code for slope_functn as that is the function that will need to return a scalar value.

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