Morphing points based on edge of a shape in an image

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Hello there,
I made a mesh and I picked up the contours of this mesh as some points and I have an MRI image. So I want to move these points based on a heart on this mri image. I have tried to read like a lot of articles on morphing, points wrapping and so on.... but they are explaining either morphing between two image or two mesh. So I am a kind of stocked.
I appreciate any idea! Sareh

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Nov 2012
Edited: Image Analyst on 9 Nov 2012
Try maketform() and tformfwd(). Or else imtransform. You pass the actual point locations and the desired locations into maketform() and it gives you a transform. Then use tformfwd() to apply this transform to warp your "bad" image into your "desired" image.
sareh on 11 Nov 2012
Edited: sareh on 11 Nov 2012
Actually I have found the function
[z,v] = size(pu); bw = poly2mask(X + 30 ,Y + 32 ,z,v); imshow(bw) hold on plot(X + 30,Y + 32,'.r') hold off
to make a mask of my points BUT I dont understand why some points are not placed on the correct coordinates
Any idea why logical 1 points are not on my coordinats?

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