How to convert solution of syms array to a normal array?

36 views (last 30 days)
I am solving a series function, e.g. .
I want to get the obviously.
For my codes,
b = 2;
y = [1,2,3,4];
syms x [1 4]
S = solve(dot(repmat([a,b],4,1),[x;y].',2)==0);
The answer is
S =
struct with fields:
x1: [1×1 sym]
x2: [1×1 sym]
x3: [1×1 sym]
x4: [1×1 sym]
All I want is an array of [-2,-4,-6,-8]. How to get the array from this 'S' syms struct. Is there other better ways to solve this problem. The example function is a simple one. So it is impossible for me to use 'x = -1/a*b*y'.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 3 Jun 2020
Read about double.
syms x y
a = 1 ; b = 2 ;
eqn = a*x+b*y==0 ;
sol = solve(eqn,x) ;
y = [1 2 3 4] ;
iwant = double(subs(sol,y))

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