Design of digital communication model either using QPSK, BPSK, or 16-QAM in simulink

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How to design an end-to end digital communication model using either QPSK, BPSK or 16-QAM in simulink and get the result of BER vs EbN0 graph. Please help me.
1. Source
2. Digital Modulator (BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM)
3. AWGN Channel
4. Demodulator
5. Add error control coding to the system (using convolution codes)
6. Error comparison and evaluate the probability of error.
The results should contain BER vs EbN0 graph

Answers (2)

Sai Sri Pathuri
Sai Sri Pathuri on 10 Jul 2020
These are some resources that you can get started with it
  1. QPSK Transmitter and Receiver
  2. Examine 256-QAM Using Simulink
  3. HDL Optimized QAM Transmitter and Receiver
  4. BPSK Related Exampe
In addition to these, you may refer File Exchange for more examples (or) functions

Israel on 15 Jan 2024
good job

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