How to deal the points on matrix with specific width size using Matlab?

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Hi Matlab community members,
i am using this code to fill or label as '1' in the matrix with respect to width size as 10
So if the ii and jj indexes are present, the number 1 will be filled. its good.
But i need help how to deal that matrix where only zeros are present.
i want to fill that grid only as '0'. I tried to use if else statement but could not succed.
Will be very thankful for guidance and help.
xx = -40:10:40;
yy = -40:10:40;
Boundary_x = 10*floor(Slice_x/10);
Boundary_y = 10*floor(Slice_y/10);
[~,jj] = ismember(Boundary_y,yy);
KSSV on 8 Jun 2020
VEry confusing. Question is not clear. Can you show with one working example?
M.S. Khan
M.S. Khan on 8 Jun 2020
Hi KSSV, see the last line i.e. Result_matrix shows that matrix having numbers within width =10 with respect to ii and jj will be assigned 1.
Bu If if there was no number exist with respect to width = 10 using ii and jj, how the result_matrix will be.

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Answers (1)

KSSV on 8 Jun 2020
If you know the dimensions of the Result_matrix you can initialize it either zeros or NaNs or ones. Depending on your requirement.
m = 10 ; % number of rows
n = 10 ; % number of columns
P = zeros(m,n) ; % all m*n zeros
Q = NaN(m,n) ; % all m*n NaNs
R = ones(m,n) ; % all m*n ones
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M.S. Khan
M.S. Khan on 8 Jun 2020
i dont want to initialize it. i have alrady intialize it as zeroes (m,n).
Suppose i have a matrix with different numbers.
i want them to distribute those numbers in each grid with respect to width size as 10.
if any numbers exist, that cells will be labelled as 1 in the result_matrix.
My problem is if there is no number coming in cell with width size =10, then how the cells of the result_matrix would be.
Thanks for feedback.
i am trying to make an example.

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