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Dirac Comb as a function of x

31 views (last 30 days)
Chien-Cheng Chiu
Chien-Cheng Chiu on 15 Jun 2020
I am having trouble creating a function of a Dirac comb of unit amplitude of 1. It should be a function of x.
I keep seeing codes of plotting a non-moving multiple Dirac combs on one plot using Matlab function "stem", but I only need one Dirac comb that moves to the right on one plot, using Matlab function "plot".
Below is an example of how it probably should look like. I have successfully coded up a Gaussian function that can move on one plot using Matlab function "plot" and it's a function of varepsilon and x. However, for Dirac comb, I need it as a function of x only.
function [alpha] = gaussian(varepsilon, x)
for i = 1:numel(x)
alpha(i) = (1/(varepsilon*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-x(i)^2/(2*varepsilon^2));

Answers (1)

Navya Seelam
Navya Seelam on 19 Jun 2020
  1 Comment
Chien-Cheng Chiu
Chien-Cheng Chiu on 2 Jul 2020
I have checked this link already, but I am having trouble understanding how to convert that code in that link to my format of code.

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