Is it possible to set the size of the gap between grouped bars in a bar graph?
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Heidi Hirsh
on 30 Jun 2020
Answered: Benjamin Kraus
on 26 Apr 2024
I know you can set the width of each bar (I set mine near max) but I am curious if I can minimize the white space by decreasing the x distance between each pair (group) of bars.
This is what I am plotting:
coh = [0.9862, 0.9773
0.971, 0.9544
0.8969, 0.6791
0.8835, 0.9051
0.8558, 0.6727
0.6727, 0.8641];
Thank you!
Accepted Answer
the cyclist
on 30 Jun 2020
Edited: the cyclist
on 30 Jun 2020
Another option would be to abandon using grouped bars in a single call to bar(), and instead plot the two sets of bars with two different calls to bar(), and specifying the x locations of those bars.
hold on
w = 0.4;
More Answers (2)
Benjamin Kraus
on 26 Apr 2024
Starting in R2024a, you can now customize the width of each group of bars using the new GroupWidth property.
For example:
coh = [0.9862, 0.9773
0.971, 0.9544
0.8969, 0.6791
0.8835, 0.9051
0.8558, 0.6727
0.6727, 0.8641];
set(hB, GroupWidth = 0.95);
the cyclist
on 30 Jun 2020
This question and the answer from MATLAB staff suggest that it is not possible using the built-in bar function.
However, there is another answer from someone who contributed the barmod function to the File Exchange, claiming to solve this problem. It's quite new, and I have not tried it, but it might be worth a shot.
See Also
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