I can't use "structuralProperties" in PDE toolbox

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Hi, I'm using MATLAB R2020a with PDE toolbox version 3.4 and my licenses are activated.
I wrote some short codes:
thePde = createpde();
model = importGeometry(thePde,'filename.stl');
this is all(6 lines), I tried to
  1. import my 3D object CAD file "filename.stl" and graphically show it
  2. before doing finite element analysis, I tried to assign structural properties, boundary conditions.
The first one(importing&visuallizing) had no problem. But I have a trouble for second one, line 4~6 in codes:
Unrecognized function or variable 'structuralProperties'.
this is the error message I received after running. Also same errors for 'structuralBC' and 'structuralBoundaryLoad'. Now I am guessing that there is a problem in calling function, but I am not sure. What could be the problem?
Thanks for your advice.
Deepak Gupta
Deepak Gupta on 23 Jul 2020
Edited: Deepak Gupta on 23 Jul 2020
Can you try 'rehash toolboxcache' in your command prompt and see if that works?
If this doesn't work then you can manually add the source code path(path where about functions are located) to your working directory.
JeongHyun Kim
JeongHyun Kim on 23 Jul 2020
Actually, I already tried 'rehash toolboxcache' but it didn't worked.
I'll try manually adding the source code path. Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it

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Accepted Answer

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar on 23 Jul 2020
Change the line:
thePde = createpde();
thePde = createpde('structural');
By default, createpde returns a model that has to deal with general equations-based interface. For structural analysis you need to specify the first argument as 'structural', this will create a structural analysis model for static analysis. If you want to do other types of structural analysis, then you need to pass a second argument that specifies analysis type. Check the options in createpde documentation page.
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JeongHyun Kim
JeongHyun Kim on 23 Jul 2020
Thanks a lot. Today, I additionally recognized the problem. I changed line 1 to
thePde = createpde('structural','static-solid');
as you adviced,
and I also found my mistakes of using wrong variable for structural~ functions.
It had to be
and now everything is okay.
Again, thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it.

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