How to define a function CalculatePyramidVolume with inputs baseLength, baseWidth, and pyramidHeight

103 views (last 30 days)
Define a function CalculatePyramidVolume with inputs baseLength, baseWidth, and pyramidHeight. The function returns pyramidVolume, the volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base. Relevant geometry equations:
* Volume = base area * height * 1/3
* Base area = base length * base width
Starter code
% Define a function CalculatePyramidVolume
% Function inputs: baseLength, baseWidth, and pyramidHeight
% Function output: pyramidVolume
Check if function definition exists
Check functions input and output arguments
Check if CalculatePyramidVolume(1, 1, 1) returns 0.3333
Check if CalculatePyramidVolume(5.8, 4.0, 6.0) returns 46.4000

Answers (4)

SAA on 25 Jul 2020
This is the function part:
function [VP] = PyramidVolume(l,w,h)
You need to call it in a script like this
l = input('Base lenght: ');
w = input('Base width: ');
h = input('height: ');
VP = PyramidVolume(l,w,h)
Check it yourself it should work, you can also just define l w and h instead of making them inputs
SAA on 26 Jul 2020
You should not get an error, what error are you getting can you post a screenshot?
I tried the code and it worked
Alanah Baldwin
Alanah Baldwin on 4 Dec 2020
how do you define h and l so that theyre not inputs, also how do u add that the surface area is limited to a specifit number, in my example, 12

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Michael Haracopos
Michael Haracopos on 7 Jul 2021
function [VP] = PyramidVolume(l,w,h)

Milen on 4 Jan 2023
function [VP] = PyramidVolume(l,w,h)

Aishly on 30 Oct 2023
function [VP] = PyramidVolume(l,w,h)

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