calculating error while averaging multiple images
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Sumera Yamin
on 30 Jul 2020
Commented: Image Analyst
on 17 Aug 2020
Hi, I have a simple problem and needs guidance. I have 15 image files. I want to calculate the average of these images and calculate error on these images. Any help is appreciated.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 9 Aug 2020
Do you want the average of the R, G, and B separately for each image?
Are you asking for averages to be taken over time for each pixel's R, G, B components?
Read the images into a 4D array, rows by columns by colorpanes by image_number . Then mean(Stack,4) or std(Stack, [], 4)
Walter Roberson
on 12 Aug 2020
function [imageData, imgstd] = meanImage(path, fileNamePrefix, fileNameSufix, n, mStart, mEnd)
N = mEnd - (mStart - 1);
currentImage = double(loadImage(path, fileNamePrefix, fileNameSufix, n, mStart));
imgsum = currentImage;
imgsqsum = imgsum.^2;
for mm = (mStart+1):mEnd
currentImage = double(loadImage(path, fileNamePrefix, fileNameSufix, n, mm));
imgsum = imgsum + currentImage;
imgsqsum = imgsqum + currentImage.^2;
mean_img = imgsum ./ N;
imageData = cast(mean_img, class(currentImage));
imgstd = sqrt((imgsqsum - 2 .* mean_img .* imgsum + mean_img.^2) ./ (N-1));
This code deliberately turns the mean image back into the datatype of the individual images, such as uint8. This is because it calculates the mean image in the same units as the original image, not in terms of the 0 to 1 range that could be used instead. Whether this is best for you depends on what you want to do with the mean image.
More Answers (2)
Image Analyst
on 10 Aug 2020
Edited: Image Analyst
on 12 Aug 2020
See my attached demo. It averages RGB and gray scale images and gives statistics about them.. Adapt as needed.

See Also
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