How to extract particular pixel values from an image?

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I'm doing project on image processing, and in one of my module i need to extract the particular bunch of the pixels.I know the values of that pixel but i'm not getting how exactly to extract that values. so please help me to get out of this!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Dec 2012
What do you mean by "extract" in this case?
Are the pixels RGB or grayscale?
Nikhil on 26 Dec 2012
sir, here extract means retrieval of those pixels, i mean only "1". and its a grayscale image and i converted it into binary image. how can i do this, please guide me!

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Answers (4)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Dec 2012
[PixelRows, PixelColumns] = find( YourImage(:,:,1) == RedValue & YourImage(:,:,2) == GreenValue & YourImage(:,:,3) == BlueVaue );

Nikhil on 24 Dec 2012
sir i appreciate your answer but my image is binary image, sorry i completely forgot to mention it!! Now what to do??
Kris on 2 Jan 2013
Dear Nikhil, Are you sure those are the images or they are just for example??...if so, please share the original image you are working on through or picasa, tiny pic or any other photo sharing site...
Also, I feel that the labeling of image will be helpful for you..try image labeling once you label the regions of your image, it will be relatively easy to extract them...try once this might be helpful...
Nikhil on 2 Jan 2013
Kris Sir, which link i had mentioned above that is database link, i mean the same database using for my project. and for further work i need to delete/remove the background but i got stuck here only.
how can i do this??

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Dec 2012
You say
  1. You have a binary image (which means value of 0 and 1)
  2. You know the values in the particular bunch (either 0, 1, or both of course)
  3. You need to extract their values (which will again be either 0 or 1 or both)
So the question remains,
  1. Do you know the locations of the "particular bunch" of pixels?
  2. If you already know their values then what exactly does it mean that you need to extract their values? You mean you want a vector that is the length of the "particular bunch" and has the 0 or 1 values in the vector? Like your image is 1 megapixel but you want a vector of pixel values from a small 1000 pixel chunk in the image?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Jan 2013
What is the name of your black-and-white image array?

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Anuradhi Umayangani
Anuradhi Umayangani on 14 Sep 2016
Hi, I have a matrix with only 0's & 1 's .I actually it is a square devided in to 9 equal squares some are coloured in black and some quares are white.this master square is printed in a white has a black outline.I want to crop the square from the white u know a way to do that. i need to write the program to identify the margine by itself
snehal jaipurkar
snehal jaipurkar on 24 Oct 2016
If I am having a color image and I want to find the total no of pixels in a specific range of pixel values then what should I do????and how to find out the range of pixel values in a certain region of an image???
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Oct 2016
You can take the histogram of each channel:
% Extract the individual red, green, and blue color channels.
redChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 1);
greenChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 2);
blueChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 3);
[countsR, edgesR] = imhist(redChannel);
[countsG, edgesG] = imhist(greenChannel);
[countsB, edgesB] = imhist(blueChannel);
To do it with a masked image, put the binary image mask as an index to the images.
% Extract the individual red, green, and blue
% color channels but only in the masked region(s);
[countsR, edgesR] = imhist(redChannel(mask));
[countsG, edgesG] = imhist(greenChannel(mask));
[countsB, edgesB] = imhist(blueChannel(mask));

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