Calculate mean of a matrix columnwise if a condition is met

6 views (last 30 days)
I am stuck on a small coding issue.
I have a big matrix "A" and a scalar value "b" and I want to determine,
Expected value = Mean ( A -b) if A < b
for example if,
A = [10 10 10;10 5 5;10 5 5]
b = 10
C = b - A
C = [0 0 0; 0 -5 -5; 0 -5 -5]
Calculate mean = Expectation [C / (A<b ]
calculations of mean should be columnwise.

Accepted Answer

hosein Javan
hosein Javan on 12 Aug 2020
A = [10 10 10;10 5 5;10 5 5]
b = 10
C = b - A
C(A>=b) = nan % replace all data out of specified range by nan
mean(C,'omitnan') % mean columns omitting nan

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