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Replace string in text file

64 views (last 30 days)
Kian on 12 Aug 2020
I have a txt file in which there are a bunch of lines. The first two lines are shown below:
10125731872 50 3731 -9999 307 166 -9999 827 4090 -9999 587 332 5 -9999
10125731873 50 117 322 9 -9999 187 300 1273 280 103 -9999 39 -9999
I need to add an "M" after all -9999 values. In a text editor this would be simply done by using the replace tool while looking for all "-9999 " and replacing them with "-9999M". Simple! But I have a hard time doing the same thing in Matlab.
Any idea how I can do this simple task?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Aug 2020
filename = 'a_txt_file.txt';
new_filename = ['new_' filename];
S = fileread(filename);
S = regexprep(S, '-9999\>', '$&M');
fid = fopen(new_filename, 'w');
fwrite(fid, S);
It is recommended that new_filename be different than filename: otherwise if something goes wrong in the writing process, you could lose your only copy of the input.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Aug 2020
Edited: Walter Roberson on 12 Aug 2020
regexprep(S, '-9999( |$)', '-9999M', 'lineanchors' )
Kian on 12 Aug 2020
Thanks a lot. This is really neat!

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More Answers (1)

kuchina mani chandra
kuchina mani chandra on 3 Apr 2023
Function replaceStringIntxtFile(filepath,stringToReplace,ReplaceWith) Filedata = readlines(filepath); replacedFiledata =replace(Filedata,stringToReplace,ReplaceWith); F=fopen(filepath,'w'); fprintf(f,'%s\n'replacedFiledata); fclose(f) end


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