oobloss function not working in MATLAB

1 view (last 30 days)
Khaleel Alhalaseh
Khaleel Alhalaseh on 29 Aug 2020
Commented: Pratyush Roy on 2 Sep 2020
I have an ''fitcensmble'' model. I want to calculate the Out of Bag Error (oob). I checked the documentation and the syntax is this ''oobloss'' although in some examples it is written as ''oobLoss''
When I typ help and the function, neither of the mentioned syntaxes are found.
I would appreicate some help.
Thanks a lot
Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy on 1 Sep 2020
Some classes and other packaged items require that you specify the package name. Events, properties, and some methods require that you specify the class name. Separate the components of the name with periods. For example, to get help for the propertyname property of the classname class, type classname.propertyname.
The following code snippet might be helpful for defining a class “ens” using the “fitcensemble”
ens = fitcensemble(X,Y) %Here X is the feature matrix for the dataset and Y is the class label array
In this case the propertyname is ”oobLoss” and the classname is “ens”, So to access the documentation for the oobLoss function the following command can be used:
help ens.oobLoss
You can also refer to the following documentation for further help:
Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy on 2 Sep 2020
The 'Model' parameter for the 'fitcensemble' should be set to 'Bag' for the 'ens.oobLoss' documentation to work.

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