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How Can I Run a Mex file in Simulink

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DONGHUN LEE on 14 Sep 2020
Edited: Fayez Alruwaili on 23 Mar 2021
On the script, the mex.file that are working wel but,l
Is there a solution for not recognizing the mex file in the syntax using the matlabfunction block on Simulink?

Answers (1)

Monisha Nalluru
Monisha Nalluru on 17 Sep 2020
Edited: Monisha Nalluru on 17 Sep 2020
In MATLAB function block the compiler expects the MATLAB code, but when it comes to mexfile, finds the code in binary mex file, which it cannot handle.
So add the below code in MATLAB function block bbefore calling mex file
If you declare it extrinsic, the compiler never tries to compile mexfile, just sets up a call to it.
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Fayez Alruwaili
Fayez Alruwaili on 23 Mar 2021
Edited: Fayez Alruwaili on 23 Mar 2021
This is very slow, is there any alternative way doing it?

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